One day, I hope that I too can crack jokes while petitioning the Supreme Court for Cert.
"Indeed, the whole point of enshrining certain rights in a constitution is to ensure that the liberties they protect not be subject to competing, evolving - and often, as in this case, misinformed - policy views of government officials. And if policy benefits could be invoked to ignore constitutional provisions delegating power to the government, this Court would soon be asked to adjudicate the existence of everything from the postal monopoly to the income tax."
(emphasis added)
District of Columbia v. Heller
2007 WL 2962912
Brief in response to petition for cert.
Scandals, the Bubblegum Pink Resistance, and Lawfare
Photo Credit:
Clarice F
Not a bad week for the Administration which has, inter alia, gelded his
domestic opposition, the UN, WHO, and the WEF, forced T...
10 hours ago
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